CCS welcomes all new Councillors for Maroondah

All five new Councillors to Maroondah are now registered with our group to enable receiving notifications from the local Conservation group known as Croydon Conservation Society. We are a voice for the whole of Maroondah in terms of protecting our mature canopy tree cover in all locations including residential land we also work with Council on MEAC and on Habitat corridors and are often a sounding board for projects like the new Croydon Hub, and the Creek habitat linear parks. We celebrate sharing our home with birds of a vast variety as well as other lesser known creatures like the Antchinus, Sugar gliders, Powerful Owls and a huge number of insects, particularly lady birds this year, a great year for them.

We are also active on FB, under Croydon Conservation Society and have many interested followers.

So a big welcome to Daniella Heatherich, Catherine Gordon, Claire Rex, Nathan Henderson, and Chris Jones who joined MCC last year when Marijke resigned. Also welcoming back; Kylie Spears, Paul McDonald, Linda Hancock and Rob Steane who all retained their positions. CCS is looking forward to working with you all.

February 5, 2025 · Liz Sanzaro · No Comments
Posted in: General

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